Monthly Archives: June 2012

“This website/URL has been blocked until further notice” either pursuant to Court orders or on the Directions issued by the Department of Telecommunications”

“This website/URL has been blocked until further notice” either pursuant to Court orders or on the Directions issued by the Department of Telecommunications”

I am disappointed by the govt., by the decisions taken without considering the facts, with limited knowledge on what is impacted because of the actions.

This action is like Blocking entire CWG because there has been corruption or Blocking people from knowing the facts because politicians are corrupt.

With due respect to the judiciary, I hoped they don’t impose stupidity on informed.

  • Torrents are not only used to share the copyrighted material.
  • Torrents / P2P is just a medium of sharing data
  • Using Torrentz is not illegal and Can’t be in any country.
  • Why should I obey your stupid rules because you thought its wrong? Please get out and read basics of computer science and information technology before implementing something like this is one such example of many.

I am forgetting I am in a Free and Fair country or in the middle of stupidity